I'm peach! I'll be your scifi/computer/math mutual

24, they/them, white

autistic, agender, asexual

normal dfi, no proship, transandophobia truthrs, rafdems, etc.

I only tag nsfw, if you need anything else tagged feel free to dm

I have a bad memory and will not remember if you softblock me, if you need to hb instead thats fine

italics = special interest, purple = currently watching/playing

Star Trek, Doctor Who, Barry, Breaking Bad, Adventure Time, Big Brother, IASIP

Portal, Super Mario, Sims 2, Pikmin

17776, Psychological horror, cooking, mixology, embroidery, crochet, crosswords, programming

My fav characters!!

Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler

Star Trek: Data, Spock, Kira Nerys

Adventure Time: Simon Petrikov, Princess Bubblegum

Breaking Bad: Saul Goodman, Gale Boetticher

Mario: Bowser, Luigi, Peach